Call quality assessment solution

Evaluate call quality and automatically provide feedback to customers.

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Automatically evaluate call quality, using artificial intelligence to improve the quality of customer interactions.

Automatic quality assessment

Use artificial intelligence to automatically analyze recorded calls and evaluate quality based on available evaluation criteria, helping to reduce management workload and ensure more accurate and effective evaluation

Detect customer needs

The system helps recognize and understand customer needs based on conversation, thereby improving service and enhancing their experience.

Cost savings

Reduce costs by more than 50% compared to using humans to perform the call quality assessment process.

Effective quality management

The bot will automatically transfer calls that do not meet quality standards and create corresponding forms for management to review and evaluate based on sample criteria.

Outstanding features of the call quality assessment solution

CGV QA has the ability to automatically evaluate call quality based on pre-defined criteria, helping to improve the performance and quality of customer interactions.

Convert voice to text

Convert call content to text to easily track and categorize information.

Data management and analysis

Use data mining technology to analyze data from calls, providing useful information about customer behavior and how to improve service.

Detect emotions

Emotion detection helps understand customer moods, thereby improving interactions.

Call recording

Record 100% of calls, support many different audio formats, optimize information storage and retrieval. Provides automatic data backup to cloud computing platforms, helping to protect data and ease management.

More than 100+ B2B, Distribution, and B2C businesses have trusted our products

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